Dont have time or don't feel like cleaning your firearm(s) after a trip to the range? No problem. Firearm cleaning services are now available.
Handguns (pistols/revolvers) - $25
Rifles (non-AR/AK style) - $35
AR/AK Pistols/Rifles - $40
Shotguns - $30
Firearms will be returned within 24 hours of drop off. This means you need to be able to pick up your firearm THE NEXT DAY at the latest. If you are going out of town, DO NOT DROP THEM OFF.
Faulire to pick up firearms in time specified may result in storage fees and having to run a background check to get your own firearms back. To be clear, this is not a storage service; it's for cleaning. If I have to store your firearm, that means I can store one less firearm for inventory (i.e. losing inventory space for sales). Any firearm kept over the 24 hours will be subject to the standard transfer fee for returning to it's owner.
*Note: Carbon can be difficult to remove if left untreated for long periods of time. If you fired your firearm and let it sit for an extended period of time without any cleaning, it may require extended services to get the desired result. We will contact you for authorization in the event your firearm requires additional cleaning prior to beginning any work.
**Note: Cleaning a firearm will not cure or remove any rust or pitting that may be present on your firearm.